Thursday, November 11, 2010

Reasoning by Analogy

Reasoning by Analogy was the one that confused me the most; to be honest some of them seemed to have a close related description to each other that you can almost be mistaken with understanding them. Since I was having trouble understanding Reasoning by Analogy, I did some research online to help me out with the definition and also some examples from this site:
Turns out according to the site, that Reasoning by Analogy is one of the forms of inductive reasoning. It is “an analogy is a statement of a logical relationship between two similar things that are compared with each other. An argument by analogy is presented in the form of "A is like B," or "X is similar to Y." To understand the topic better, the site offers a very elaborate example of how it works by comparing fruits and how they fall into different categories but even so, can still make a great argument out of their differences.

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