Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Repairing Arguments

Star Wars is under the Science Fiction category.
Jasmine needs to buy a Science Fiction book.            
Based on the given example, the person stating the argument is being irrational because the first premise does not relate to the second sentence.  The first sentence stated is completely irrelevant to the second premise, which can help the argument to become stronger if it is removed. However, the example does not state the reason why Jasmine is getting a Science Fiction book.
The argument would be stronger if there would be a connection to the conclusion with the second sentence- perhaps something like, “It was one of the required books for her Literature class,” or if connected with the first sentence, “Jasmine can purchase a Star Wars analogy book because it is under Science Fiction.”  By adding on these premises, the argument would be more plausible and easier for the reader to comprehend what the person is trying to imply for bringing up Star Wars or why Jasmine needs to purchase a Science Fiction book.  

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