Thursday, October 21, 2010

Needs More Discussion: Fallacies

I think the topic about Fallacies needs more discussion because there are different types presented all over the book, and it can get pretty confusing which one’s which when all of them are put together. However, some of them are pretty straightforward just by knowing the name such as the slippery slope, emotional appeal, slanters, ridicule, and the straw man. I had trouble specifically for the Structural Fallacies because even if the definition on the book was straightforward, I think I need to see an example explaining how it works since they only showed a chart using letters like A, B, S, or P to represent the fallacy.
The site I found shows and describes more fallacies than what Epstein had in the book. I actually encountered the fallacies given in the site during my English 1B class, so I was quite more familiar with those than the ones discussed in our current book.
Hopefully this would help! :)

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