Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Discussion Week 1: Subjective and Objective Claims

Subjective and Objective Claims are just one of the methods that we use to judge the point of view of the topic of conversation or an argument that we are trying to prove.

Based on how I understand Subjective Claim, it is usually a personal opinion that a person bases his or her judgments on. For example, I’m a big fan of La Victoria Taqueria’s drink Horchata, so one time my mom saw me drinking it when I came home from school. She asked me what it was, so I told her and mentioned how it’s really good and refreshing, so I asked if she wants a sip to taste it. She took a big sip out of the cup and said, “OHHH, I don’t like it.” I saw the weird disgusted look on her face, and can’t believe that she didn’t like it because my friends and I love Horchata. My mom’s opinion on the drink, Horchata, was a subjective claim because she stated her opinion about a drink that some love, but some are also unfamiliar with.

On the other hand, Objective Claim is stating a fact or something that is true and is completely not based on personal opinions or standards. As an example, one of my guy friends asked me what kind of car I drive, and I said a Toyota Highlander. This is an Objective Claim, because my answer didn’t need my opinion and it is a fact that I do drive a Toyota Highlander.

All in all, Subjective Claim is based on personal opinion or preferences, while Objective Claim is based on fact.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Introductory Post

Hello, my name is Jill Andrea Sendaydiego. I’m 19 years old, and currently on my 3rd year in SJSU on pursuing a major in Nursing. During my freshman year in SJSU Spring semester, I took a Comm 20 class and learned useful public speaking skills from my professor, Hugh Haiker. During my spare time I like to hang out with my friends, listen to music, or write blogs on my Tumblr. I was fortunate enough to be one of the students who made it into the Dean's List last semester. I'm hoping that I would keep getting good grades for the rest of my college years. I’m really looking forward to enhancing my communication skills in Critical Thinking this semester with the help of this class :)